Tips for getting your home sold fast
Prior to listing your home:
- Freshen up the landscaping.
- If possible, have all docks and lifts in the water. Replace or repair any damaged docks.
- Keep the beach area clean of weeds and other debris.
- Walk around the exterior of the property and remove all debris and unnecessary personal property items.
- Clean all windows.
- De-clutter the entire home (even the garage).
- Repair or replace any plumbing and electrical fixtures that aren’t in working order.
- Fix any loose doorknobs and cabinet handles.
- Use candles or air fresheners to keep the home smelling nice.
- Remove all off-season clothing so closets look un-cluttered and neatly organized.
- Replace any burned out light bulbs.
- Kitchens and bathrooms sell houses. Be sure all appliances and countertops are clean. Toilets, bathtubs and mirrors should be clean and bright.
- Arrange furniture to provide clear walking paths and give a spacious feeling.
- Make certain all appliances and mechanical systems are in proper working order.
Curb Appeal
Be sure the exterior of the property represents the quality of the interior. If the exterior does not look well-kept, buyers may hesitate inspecting the rest of the property.
Honey-Do List
If there are any walls that need to be painted, plumbing or electric fixtures that need to be repaired or other miscellaneous items that can be easily completed, we highly recommend that you do so prior to putting your home on the market.
During Showings
- Put pets in outside kennels or remove them from the property.
- Keep the home at a comfortable temperature.
- Turn off all radios and televisions.
- Turn on all of the lights.
- Make sure the home book is out and easy for buyers to see.
- Leave the property. Never try to assist the salesperson in the showing of your home.